New Orders Cancellation

If you cancel your order within 72 hours of order placement and BEFORE it has shipped, you can cancel your order at no cancellation cost a credit is issued.
If you cancel your order AFTER 72 hours of order placement and BEFORE it has shipped, you can cancel your order at 36% cancellation fees.
If you cancel your order AFTER it has been shipped, then it will be done in accordance with our Return and Refund Policy procedures. The cancellation will have to be treated as a Return with all applicable fees.
Orders which are REFUSED AT DELIVERY will be assessed all of the applicable fees listed above – including restocking, cancellation and other applicable fees.

Backorder/Late Shipment Cancellation

If your order/or remaining backordered Goods is below $500 and we are late by our promised ship date, you can cancel your order with customer service with no
additional cost.
If your order/or remaining backordered Goods are above $500 and below $1,000 and we are late by our promised ship date, you can cancel your order at a 10% cancellation fee of the remaining balance.
If your order/or remaining backordered Goods are is above $1000 and we are late by our promised ship date, you can cancel your order at a 25% cancellation fee of the remaining balance.
In order to exercise Your right of cancellation, you must inform us of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform us of your decision by emailing
We will reimburse You no later than 14 days from the day on which We receive the returned Goods. We will use the same means of payment as You used for the Order, and You will not incur any fees for such reimbursement.